West Chester Food Co-op - Food Co-op Program Manager

Co-op / Organization: 
West Chester Food Co-op
West Chester, PA
Type of Organization: 
Brief Description of Organization: 

We are a Food Co-op-in-development, incorporated in 2015, currently building community investment in order to open a full service co-op grocery store in our town. Our mission is to enhance the well being of the people of West Chester by promoting healthy and mindful eating, improving access to sustainably produced food, helping those in need to secure quality food, advancing sustainable and humane agriculture, supporting local farms, and strengthening our community through cooperative enterprise. We aim to bring transparency and accountability to every step of the food production and distribution process from farm to table, providing confidence for educated consumer choices and food that the community can trust.

In addition to other outreach activities and events, we operate two major programs Spring-Summer-Fall: a weekly outreach and education booth at the local farm market and a Co-op sponsored CSA program that aggregates access to local farm products.

Organization Website: 
Number of Members: 
Number of Staff: 
Dress Code: 
Internship Position Title: 
Food Co-op Program Manager
Internship Position Duties: 
The summer intern will advance our mission by assuming significant management responsibilities for two programs which we operate Spring-Summer-Fall: a weekly outreach and education booth at the local farm market and a Co-op sponsored CSA program that aggregates access to local farm products. This position is an opportunity to craft creative approaches to engaging the public, Co-op member-owners, and local farmers in building a more vibrant and thriving local food system. Chester County is the second largest agricultural producer in Pennsylvania with a growing community of producers dedicated to certified organic, pastured and grass fed animal husbandry, and craft food production. These duties are expected to occupy about 50% of weekly hours.
Additional duties will be determined by skills and interests of intern; possibilities are:
  • Supporting implementation of an Association Management System (similar to CRM) i. A qualified intern could support this project with data management, systems analysis, business process analysis, testing, and documentation.
  • Marketing and Social Media. There is the opportunity to assume significant responsibility for our marketing channels including newsletter, website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Development of GIS mapping resources to support our marketing efforts.
  • Community Garden management. Oversee improvements, organize volunteers, promote our Community Garden.
  • Event organizing. Assist with Co-op sponsored events; possibly organize one or more educational events. 
Position Training: 
The intern will be supervised by the Executive Director and will collaborate with Co-op Board and/or Committee members, and/or a staff member, depending on the nature of the work. Training as needed will be provided on the software tools that we currently employ and are seeking to implement. Although mentoring and supervision will be provided appropriate for the duties that the intern assumes, this position is best suited to an individual accustomed to assessing situational needs and driving their own knowledge and skill acquisition, for which the Co-op will provide guidance and support. The intern will be exposed to cooperative governance via our Board process, as well as through networking opportunities with the Philadelphia area co-op community.
Skills Development & Learning: 
Conducting research, interviews, and needs-assessments with Co-op member-owners, local food producers, CSA subscribers, hunger relief programs, and other stakeholders. Organizing, planning, scheduling, coordinating, and implementing activities involving volunteers, farmers, CSA subscribers, and the general public. Coordinating, managing and training volunteers. Public communication and education. 
Internal and external (Philadelphia area) co-op meetings and events. Creative outreach approaches for building engagement with our mission.
Other details of working conditions: 
Own laptop preferred. Office is located in a walkable community accessible by public transit.
Compensation ($): 
$100, paid weekly
Is Room Included?: 
Working Hours: 
From: 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturdays plus additional flexible hours.
Total Hours of Work Per Week: