The Solar Community Housing Association (SCHA) in Davis, California is hiring a full-time Member Services Coordinator and a part-time Co-op Housing Assistant. The SCHA is a non-profit that has provided affordable, sustainable, and cooperative housing in Davis, California since 1979. SCHA is governed by its resident members (~100) and is comprised of three cooperative houses (Sunwise, J Street, and the Cornucopia Corner Co-op) along with two student cohousing communities on the UC Davis campus (the Baggins End Domes and Tri Co-op Houses). Over the last five years, SCHA has experienced rapid growth and expansion and is currently working on integrating a set of social justice goals to ensure its communities are more inclusive, equitable, and just. Applications are due May 19, 2016. For more information view the postings (above) and the SCHA's website.