The Boulder Housing Coalition (BHC) is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Community Housing Development Organization, founded in 1995. The BHC is dedicated to creating permanently affordable, community enhancing, cooperative housing for the people of Boulder County. We founded and continue to support four self-governing low-income co-ops in Boulder with a total of around 65 residents. We envision a cooperative housing federation that contains a variety of co-ops including permanently affordable rental coo-ops, limited equity co-ops, equity co-ops and co-housing. We value diversity and anti-oppression, ecological sustainability, community, and, of course, cooperation. We're aiming to have the biggest positive impact possible on our residents as well as the wider community of Boulder. You can learn much more about our mission and values at
The duties involved in running our organization are incredibly varied. We're happy to work with you to match your individual interests with our organizational needs. The primary duties will involve weekly 3-hour staff meetings and staying in regular communication with the three staff members. Duties could include, but are not limited to: Helping us plan an inter-co-op party in the spring and an annual fundraiser for the fall and various other events and trainings; organizing house documents; putting together training videos for new/prospective housemates; community outreach and building relationships with the local co-ops outside our organization; alumni relations and building an alumni donor network; participating in our monthly Cooperation Committee, Inclusion Committee, and Board of Directors meetings; general operations and administrative support; membership, marketing, and advertising; income qualification and meeting with city officials
Three hours of weekly staff support and training - ranging in topics based on intern's need and organizations needs, in-depth insight into the intricacies of running four low-income cooperative houses, may include:
income qualification training, abiding by fair housing, inclusive marketing, labor systems, consensus decision-making, event planning, non-profit development, community engagement, meeting with city officials, political outreach, restorative conversations, nonviolent communication, meeting facilitation, NASCO Staff and Leadership Conference, Right Use of Power Training in diversity and privilege,
Non-profit development and operations; leadership; communication; restorative conflict resolution; networking; organization skills; cooperative governance;