RFP NASCO Strategic Planning Facilitator


NASCO is looking for a facilitator or a group of facilitators for a strategic planning retreat upcoming in-person in July 2023. We are looking for experience in the following areas: 

  • facilitating strategic planning processes with an anti-oppressive lens
  • facilitating large groups in person (we expect 30-40)
  • helping a group navigate conflict/facilitating contentious conversations
  • facilitation in movement spaces and/or membership organizations
  • understanding the role of governance in organizations (our organizations are cooperatives, so an understanding of cooperative structure would help)


We are asking our facilitator(s) to design a full strategic planning process and compile the input gathered into a strategic plan document for institutional use and reference. Facilitator(s) must be able to attend our 2 full-day in-person event and a remote 3-hour orientation session prior to the retreat to introduce yourself and answer facilitation questions. Our anticipated facilitation budget is around $3,000, plus travel and food costs. Please send proposals to info@nasco.coop by end of day Sunday, April 2nd, 2023, and answer the following questions:


  1. Describe your facilitation style for strategic planning. In particular, what approaches do you use to move a group forward if conflict or disagreement arises?
  2. What is your understanding/experience of NASCO or other membership organizations? What is your experience working with housing or business cooperatives? 
  3. We are considering hiring a facilitator who will also compile the strategic plan document itself after the strategic planning retreat. Do you have experience creating strategic plan documents? Note that if we do opt to hire a facilitator to compile the SP document, this will increase our facilitator budget by up to $1000.