For Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
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This chart has Four Columns.
Column 1 is NASCO's sources of income for this year.
Column 2 is NASCO's self-sustaining Programs. (Only NASCO Properties, Fiscal Sponsorship, and Fundraising are self-sustaining.)
Column 3 is NASCO's subsidized programs. (The subsidy comes from Fundraising or other programs' proceeds.)
Column 4 is NASCO's uses of funds for the year. (These are expenses and contributions to reserves.)
Number amounts are available by hovering over the chart. If flows overlap too much to read, you can move the programs around without breaking their links.
This chart is designed to show the relative magnitude and directions of cash flows, rather than the numbers.
Mobile Page is best viewed in Landscape Mode.
This chart has Four Columns.
Column 1 is NASCO's sources of income for this year.
Column 2 is NASCO's self-sustaining Programs. (Only NASCO Properties, Fiscal Sponsorship, and Fundraising are self-sustaining.)
Column 3 is NASCO's subsidized programs. (The subsidy comes from Fundraising or other programs' proceeds.)
Column 4 is NASCO's uses of funds for the year. (These are expenses and contributions to reserves.)
Number amounts are available by hovering over the chart. If flows overlap too much to read, you can move the programs around without breaking their links.
This chart is designed to show the relative magnitude and directions of cash flows, rather than the numbers.