Laird is a nationally recognized facilitator, group process consultant, teacher, and author. Since 1987, he’s been assisting cooperative groups all over North America. During 1997-2015 he was also a regular part of the teaching faculty for NASCO Institute.
Laird will be in Austin November 16-18, giving a series of three (3) two-hour presentations on various aspects of group dynamics and how cooperative groups can function more effectively:
Friday, Nov 16 @ Sasona Coop (sasona.org) • 8:30-10:30 pm
Saturday Nov 17 @ Sasona • 2-4 pm
Sunday 11/18 @ La Reunion Coop (lareunioncoop.org) • 2-4 pm
We invite you and your cooperative group to attend one or more of these sessions and get answers to your vexing questions! Donations will be requested at the door.
NOTE: Laird will also be available to meet with members of your group at other times over the weekend, by special arrangement. Email or call Samuel Bean (samuelhenrybean@gmail.com or 512-412-1367) to RSVP for one or more of Laird’s presentations, or to reserve one-on-one time with Laird.