Nominations are now officially open for seven seats on the Board.
Three of those seats are for 3-year terms, three are for 2-year terms, and one is a 1-year term.
Your co-op is invited to nominate someone to fill one of the open seats on the NASCO Board of Directors.
NASCO Education Board Election Timeline
We have designed the timeline to give member co-ops sufficient time both during nominations and balloting to utilize whatever process they desire for these decisions. In order to ensure that this purpose is achieved, we will be strict on our deadlines.
Thursday February 7, 2013 Send out board nomination packets.
Thursday March 21, 2013 All nomination forms must be signed and returned.
Tuesday March 26, 2013 Ballots with candidate statements are sent out.
Thursday April 25, 2013 Ballots are due.
Tuesday April 30, 2013 Results announced.