NASCO is pleased to announce the beginning of a nomination process for seats on our Board of Directors. A mailing was sent to all Active Members, Associate Member organizations, and Individual Members on September 5, 2014.
In the past, NASCO has held board elections in the spring. Beginning in the 2014-2015 year, we are changing the election schedule so that all new board members (both those elected at Institute and those elected through the general election) will begin their terms at the same time. This will allow for more in-depth training for the new board members.
Elections are conducted annually by the NASCO Board of Directors for four of its 12 three-year seats. In 2014-2015, the Board is filling one additional seat for a one-year term. We are excited to be seating five new Directors through the election process. These directors will begin their terms at the February 2015 board meeting.
We have designed the timeline to give member co-ops sufficient time both during nominations and balloting to utilize whatever process they desire for these decisions. In order to ensure that this purpose is achieved, we will be strict on our deadlines.
September 5, 2014 Send out board nomination packets
October 29, 2014 All nomination forms must be signed and returned.
November 3, 2014 Ballot with candidate statements are sent out
January 12, 2015 Ballots are due
January 15, 2015 Results announced
All Active Members of NASCO are eligible to nominate one candidate for the Board. Associate and Individual Members of NASCO may also nominate candidates (two Associate Members are required to nominate a candidate, and five Individual Members are required to nominate a candidate).
For more information, read the mailing that was sent to all Active Members. If you are are a member of NASCO and want to make a nomination to the board, use the appropriate nomination form for your membership category: Active Members Associate Members Individual Members