Cooperatives: The Power to Act
Through their role as builders of local economies and drivers of a more stable, inclusive, and democratic global economy, cooperatives and mutuals undeniably contribute to the creation of responsible, sustainable economic growth that is respectful of people and environment.
The 2016 International Summit of Cooperatives will be an opportunity for the cooperative and mutual business community to come together and demonstrate its power to ACT!
A program to support and strengthen participants’ power to act
The 2016 Summit program is dynamic and resolutely focused on action! It offers directors and managers of cooperatives and mutuals of all shapes and sizes, from every sector, a wide range of opportunities for dialogue and tools to boost their organizations’ power to ACT and generate wealth for all.
Four highlights of the 2016 Summit
1. Acknowledging new financial, economic, and social trends
To start, world-renowned speakers will share their observations on the world’s financial, economic, and social situation. What does the future hold? What are the major trends and issues?
2. Improving our capacity to act—cross-sector challenges
Next, forums will provide managers with the tools to help them face the many cross-sector challenges tied to business management and performance. Groundbreaking world-class studies will shed light on the business issues and concerns of cooperatives and mutuals.
3. Demonstrating our capacity to act—sectorial challenges
Participants will also delve deep into the specific challenges in their sectors—agriculture and agri-food, insurance, banking and financial services, health and social care, wholesale and retail trade, industry and utilities—to identify and share best practices.
4. Cooperatives in action—be a major player in addressing global challenges
Lastly, real case studies will illustrate the true benefits of cooperatives. Participants will have the opportunity work together to develop strategies in response to the challenges they all face and seize the resulting business opportunities.
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