NASCO's Reading List for the Revolution

NASCO's Reading List for the Revolution is a compilation of articles, essays, toolkits, books, and other resources. The Reading List features contributions from member co-ops, Board Directors, partner organizations, and NASCO Staff. The Reading List is updated monthly with new contributions, which are highlighted in NASCO's monthly newsletter. 


Recommendation of the Month: #UnlearningWithCoFED -- Decolonization


Essays, Podcasts, and Videos:

[Recommendation: Start a reading or listening group at your co-op. Pick one article or essay to read weekly or monthly and schedule recurring meetings to discuss.]


Toolkits & Guides:

[Recommendation: Toolkits provide direct action steps. Share toolkits with members and start a direct action group or committee to work towards the steps provided.]



[Recommendation: Start a book club or book exchange at your co-op. Pick a standing meeting time and allow book club members to suggest discussion topics. We recommend purchasing books from your local independent book store or online through AK Press, PM Press, or Haymarket Books]


Upcoming Events:


Social Media:

[Recommendation: Follow these accounts on your personal and co-op social media pages to stay involved with the work that they're doing.]

  • New Economy Coalition | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Coalition of 200+ organizations involved in solidarity economy work
  • Adrienne Maree Brown | Twitter, Instagram | Author, doula, women's rights activist and black feminist
  • CoFED | Instagram, Facebook | Building a cooperative food economy, powered by the leadership of young folx of color
  • East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative | Twitter | Creating visible pathways to collective ownership and transformation in Oakland
  • TESA Collective | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Cause-oriented games and tools
  • Right to the City | Twitter | Fighting neoliberal urban development for the rights of working-class & communities of color to Remain in, Reclaim & Rebuild our cities
  • UnKoch My Campus | Twitter | Help preserve academic integrity and transparency!
  • Power Shift Network | Twitter, Instagram | Network of 90+ organizations fighting the climate crisis and social justice


[Image from Phoenix House at MSU Student Housing Cooperatives]