Click on any of the links below to subscribe yourself to an email group.
Anarchist Caucus
This list has been created to allow the anarchist caucus and those interested in becoming involved with the caucus to continue to discuss issues pertinent to the caucus throughout the year.
Community Caucus
This discussion list is for community co-op members, non-students in student coops, and students in any coops who are interested in community coop issues.
Diversity Congress
This list is for current and former members of the NASCO Institute Diversity Congress to keep in touch throughout the year.
Eco Justice Working Group
This list is for the NASCO Cooperatives and Ecological Sustainability Working Group.
Interfaith Caucus
This list is for members of co-ops to discuss issues related to faith and spirituality in co-ops.
International Caucus
This discussion list is for international co-op members and people interested in issues relating to international students in co-ops.
People of Color Caucus
The POCC is the caucus of people of color within NASCO.
People with Disabilities Caucus
This list has been created to allow the People with Disabilities and those interested in becoming involved with the caucus to continue to discuss access issues in co-ops throughout the year.
Queer & Transgender People's Caucus
This discussion list is for people interested in discussing queer and transgendered identities as they relate to cooperative movement.
Worker Co-op Caucus
The worker co-op caucus list is intended to allow members of the caucus to continue to discuss issues pertinent to worker co-ops throughout the year.