Cooperative Movement

All 4 Each: Co-ops in the Classroom

The Ontario Co-operative Association has successfully re-introduced education about co-operatives into classrooms in a unique and fun way.

Cooperatives: Principles and practices in the 21st century

Written by Kimberly A. Zueli and Robert Cropp, published by the University of Wisconsin, 2004.
This publication is the fourth and most extensive revision of the Marvin A. Schaars' text Cooperatives, Principles and Practices, University of Wisconsin Extension-Madison, Publication A1457, July 1980. What has come to be known simply as "the Schaars book. "was originally written in 1936 by Chris L. Christensen, Asher Hobson, Henry Bakken, R.K.

Co-ops 101: An Introduction to Cooperatives (USDA)

This report provides a comprehensive summary of basic information on the cooperative way of organizing and operating a business. It covers the nature and extent of the use of cooperatives, compares cooperatives to other business structures, explains the roles various people play in a cooperative, and discusses equity accumulation and income taxation.