All Together Now
A NASCO approach to a diversity workshop
A NASCO approach to a diversity workshop
A Handout Ways to be an Ally for Differently-Abled People
This 'zine was created in 2010 by NASCO's Inclusion Committee of the Education Board. The intention is to encourage dialogue in co-operatives and democratic organizations to continue thinking critically about inclusion and anti-oppression and to engage in regular dialogue and reflection. If you have questions, suggestions or would like this resource in a different format, contact Erin Hancock at
An ally is a member of the "majority" group who works to end oppression in his or her personal life though support of and as an advocate for the oppressed population. This packet is full of action ideas and checklists for becoming a better ally.
This 'zine is brought to you by NASCO's Inclusion Committee. Please feel free to copy and distribute!
Words that are frequently associated with various diversity topics. This list is designed to give all participants a clear understanding of how these words will be used during anti-oppression workshops.
A lists of books, websites, and other readings about anti-oppression action and related materials
A decision-making process that many co-ops use is consensus. Consensus is a process of building united judgment whose purpose is not to avoid conflict but to bring out all opinions and perspectives. Each position has a responsibility to present facts and perceptions which are not being considered, to explain her or his position clearly and rationally, and to question the other positions so as to reach full understanding of their positions.
There are a lot of reasons why coop groups decide to incorporate. This document lists some of the main areas where your group will benefit from being an "official" corporation.