
Group Decision Making Handbook

Table of Contents

1 What do you do when a dispute arises?
2 Communication Styles
Meeting Roles
3 Positive Group Roles
4 Negative Group Roles
5 Effective Meetings: Designated Meeting Roles
7 Influence in Groups
Meeting Process
8 Sample Agenda
9 Meeting Evaluation Sheet
10 The Four Roles of a Facilitator
11 Facilitation Tools

Essentials of Integrative Facilitation

The Essentials of Integrative Facilitation: How to Get Through the Agenda and Build Energy at the Same Time
Table of Contents
0. Introduction
1. Mind Set
2. Operator's License
3. Riding Two Horses
4. Addressing for Success
5. Commitment to Relationship
6. When to Get Help
Contributed by CANBRIDGE - a process collective - (Consensus And Network Building Resolving Impasse and Developing Group Effectiveness)

How to Design Successful Community Workshops

This is an outline for a training called 'Ready to Train? How to Design Successful Community Workshops'
Workshop Objective: Participants will learn the basics of popular education theory and training design to ensure that they have the basic skills needed to run effective community trainings.
Core Competencies:  Core competencies will include respect for the learner as teacher, commitment to variation of participatory training methods, and willingness to use a training design model to plan an effective training. 

Conflict: Fight, Flight, or Opportunity?

Developed by CANBRIDGE - a process collective - (Consensus And Network Building Resolving Impasse and Developing Group Effectiveness)

Table of Contents

1. What this workshop is; what it isn’t

2. What is conflict?

3. Why work on it at all?

4. Why work in the dynamic moment?

Board Training

This handout is useful for members of cooperative & non-profit boards of directors and includes: Co-op Board Member Job Description; Roles & Responsibilities; Legal Responsibilities of the Board of Directors; Proposal Writing; and Communication Basics.

Meetings That Rock!

Having good meetings can make a huge impact on the satisfaction members have with their coop, and can also be a powerful way of encouraging deeper involvement from all of your membership. NASCO has worked with groups across the continent for over thirty years, and has also cultivated connections with the broader cooperative and non-profit sector, and has used these connections to build excellent training materials for groups looking to improve their meetings.