Group Dynamics & Anti-Oppression

Implementing Intentional Affordability

Session materials from "Implementing Intentional Affordability," which was led by Jeff Bessmer (Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-op) at NASCO Institute 2013.


Conflict: Fight, Flight, or Opportunity?

Developed by CANBRIDGE - a process collective - (Consensus And Network Building Resolving Impasse and Developing Group Effectiveness)

Table of Contents

1. What this workshop is; what it isn’t

2. What is conflict?

3. Why work on it at all?

4. Why work in the dynamic moment?

Being an Ally

A useful handout that covers the following areas: What is an ally?; How to be an ally; and Action ideas and tips

Aliados por la Equidad Social

TABLA DE CONTENIDOS Contra la Opresión: Introducción El entramado de la Opresión - 2 Contra la Opresión: Palabras Claves - 3 Niveles y Tipos de Opresión: Ejemplos - 6 Ser un Aliado Qué es ser aliado? Lo básico. - 8 Superando el prejuicio de edad - 11 Ser un Hombre Aliado - 13 Ser un Heterosexual Aliado - 15 Ser Aliado de un Trans – 16