
Creating a Co-op Course Track

Session materials from the Creating a Co-op Course Track at NASCO Institute 2024.

With the cost of living constantly on the rise, the demand for affordable housing solutions—like housing co-ops—is greater than ever. NASCO has pulled together a team of experts to take future co-op founders through the process of starting a new housing co-op, from clarifying the initial concept to drafting your business plan. Workshops in this series provide a comprehensive, step-by-step training program on the development process.

Negotiating a Lease for Your Coop - Developing New Cooperatives

Presented by Daniel Miller (NASCO Staff) & Emily Ng (UHAB)

Co-ops can live in a grey area between residential and commercial, between formal and flexible, and between the collective and the individual. This can be a powerful advantage if your coop wants to negotiate the nest lease for a property - but your model might be unfamiliar to a landlord. These resources are meant to help you learn how to lower your lease payments, win more autonomy for your coop, and set yourself up for growth in the future.

NASCO Co-op Organizer's Handbook

The Organizer's Handbook is a comprehensive guide to creating group-equity housing cooperatives. By explaining the cooperative movement, campus and community organizing, nonprofit incorporation, financing, and housing development, this important resource demystifies a challenging project.