
Rent Payment Policy - Qumbya Co-op

The is the Payment Policy from Qumbya Housing Co-op (Chicago, IL) as of 2013.  This policy was created in 2008 out of a response to series of siginificant member debt losses. The policy is relatively strict by co-op standards. It does allow for payment plans, which may be up to 2 months in duration, and must be approved before a debt is accrued, not after. The wisdom gained from the series of losses which we attempted to base this polic on are:

* If a member gets more than 2 months behind on rent, they are very unlikely to ever catch up.

MSU-SHC Master Code of Operations (Policies)

Attached you will find the MSU Student Housing Cooperative's Code of Operations. The code is their collection of corporate policies. It changes and grows as their membership's needs change and grow. Changes to the Code of Operations are generally made by their Board of Directors, but they can also be changed by the membership through a petition and referendum process.