
Creating a Co-op Course Track

Session materials from the Creating a Co-op Course Track at NASCO Institute 2024.

With the cost of living constantly on the rise, the demand for affordable housing solutions—like housing co-ops—is greater than ever. NASCO has pulled together a team of experts to take future co-op founders through the process of starting a new housing co-op, from clarifying the initial concept to drafting your business plan. Workshops in this series provide a comprehensive, step-by-step training program on the development process.

Community and Affordability: Innovations in the Community Housing Movement

Session materials from “Community and Affordability: Innovations in the Community Housing Movement” presented by Sarah Wells at NASCO Institute 2024. Throughout the country, housing organizers and developers are coming together to reimagine and embrace forms of community housing that allow for everyday interaction while also preserving affordability. As we seek to become a more inclusive movement, affordability is a top strategy for achieving all kinds of diversity.

NASCO Co-op Organizer's Handbook

The Organizer's Handbook is a comprehensive guide to creating group-equity housing cooperatives. By explaining the cooperative movement, campus and community organizing, nonprofit incorporation, financing, and housing development, this important resource demystifies a challenging project.