Public Relations & Publicity

Storytelling Time!

Session materials from “Storytelling Time!” presented by Bronwyn Walls at NASCO Institute 2024. In this workshop, we'll discuss how storytelling is a tool for social change and we'll explore a storytelling framework that connects our own personal narratives to the social change work that we are embedded within in our co-ops and beyond. We'll then work together to develop and refine our public narratives related to the power of cooperation. P.S. The stories we create in this workshop can be used for member recruitment, fundraising, grant writing, education, and more! 

MSU Student Housing Cooperative Promo - Video

The Michigan State University Student Housing Cooperative is a student-run housing organization for affordable and cooperative living in MSU's backyard. For information about the SHC and its houses, go to:

Directed // Filmed // Edited: Colin Marshall
© 2013

Implementing Intentional Affordability

Session materials from "Implementing Intentional Affordability," which was led by Jeff Bessmer (Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-op) at NASCO Institute 2013.


WestCo Event Materials (1979-2014)

This is an archive of WestCo conference materials from 1979 to the present. WestCo is an annual conference for members of cooperatives in the Western United States and Canada. WestCo is a space for local cooperators to build community, attend educational workshops and social events, and celebrate their common interests and experiences.

Hosting Regional Co-op Conferences

Planning a regional conference is a significant undertaking that takes planning, delegation, and lots of work. These documents present some ideas that will help you think about how to tackle all the work in an efficient manner. For examples of previous regional conference materials, see the archive of WestCo materials here.

NASCO Co-op Organizer's Handbook

The Organizer's Handbook is a comprehensive guide to creating group-equity housing cooperatives. By explaining the cooperative movement, campus and community organizing, nonprofit incorporation, financing, and housing development, this important resource demystifies a challenging project.