
Cultivating and demystifying participatory budgeting

Presentation for course at Intitute 2017
Course Description: 
Ever voted on a house budget not knowing what exactly you’re voting on or why? Feel like financial management is too boring to care about or too complex to understand? Does your co-op need a basic financial plan but don’t know where to start? This session seeks to demystify the financial planning and management process in a creative and engaging combination of activity and dialogue.

Rent Payment Policy - Qumbya Co-op

The is the Payment Policy from Qumbya Housing Co-op (Chicago, IL) as of 2013.  This policy was created in 2008 out of a response to series of siginificant member debt losses. The policy is relatively strict by co-op standards. It does allow for payment plans, which may be up to 2 months in duration, and must be approved before a debt is accrued, not after. The wisdom gained from the series of losses which we attempted to base this polic on are:

* If a member gets more than 2 months behind on rent, they are very unlikely to ever catch up.

NASCO Co-op Organizer's Handbook

The Organizer's Handbook is a comprehensive guide to creating group-equity housing cooperatives. By explaining the cooperative movement, campus and community organizing, nonprofit incorporation, financing, and housing development, this important resource demystifies a challenging project.