Co-op Details
Heathcote Community is a 59-year-old intentional community, farm and education center that is working towards a socially and ecologically just world. Our areas of study are multidisciplinary and include sustainability, social justice, permaculture, cooperative living, holistic health, restorative justice and the arts.
Heathcote is nestled in a beautiful wooded valley on 44 acres of land with a stream in Freeland, MD, near the MD/PA state border, only a 45-minute drive from Baltimore, MD and a 20-minute drive from York, PA. The land is on Piscataway territory and it is part of the School of Living community land trust. School of Living is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization that explores solutions to the challenges of living, holds land in trust for present and future generations, promotes personal empowerment, and supports the development of just and sustainable communities. Heathcote’s education program is fiscally sponsored by School of Living.
Heathcote currently has 8 adult residents and 2 children living on site. Besides the core group of residents we have an active group of non-resident members and a loyal network of supporting members and friends. We are seeking new resident members who would like to help develop our farm and our education programs. Resident members live in 3 cooperative group houses on the land. We eat together as our schedules allow. We focus on healthy, organic whole foods and grow vegetables on our farm. We have weekly member meetings and make our decisions by consensus.
Heathcote is an intentional community, farm and education center that works towards social transformation through
holistic self care, cooperative economics, earth care, spirituality, and experiential learning.
(Approved 7/7/2024)
No but we are working on it
$400 - $950
9 hours per week including attending the weekly business meeting, communications, chores, a social activity, coordination duties, circles, and projects.
1-2 times per week