Low-Income Scholarship Fund



NASCO's Cooperative Education and Training Institute offers a proven program to help empower and educate young people about cooperatives. For most participants the conference is a first introduction to cooperative sectors beyond their local co-op, and this weekend immersion gives them a sense of the broader cooperative movement. However, many cooperatives are unable to obtain proper training for lack of adequate resources. Help us generate the resources necessary to make this essential training available to cooperatives and cooperators of modest and low-income.

To learn more about need for scholarship funding and our goals for this year, download our Low-Income Scholarship Fund Fact Sheet

Show your support by giving what you can! 


$25 Covers one co-oper’s meals

$50 Contributes to bus tickets or gas

$75 Covers travel for one nearby co-oper

$150 Covers travel for one faraway co-oper

$225 Covers registration costs for one co-oper

$500 Contributes to multiple scholarships


Donations of $500 or more will be recognized with your logo printed on promotional conference materials.


Application to receive a scholarship to NASCO Institute will open after our Summer fundraising campaign. Check back here for more info in early August.